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ACCER joined the International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers (IFIEC Europe)

The Association of Energy Consuming Companies in Romania (ACCER) decided to join the International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers (IFIEC Europe), realizing the importance of the regional approach and the deep understanding of the implications of actions at the European level.

By joining IFIEC Europe, ACCER joins its counterparts in Norway, Finland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria and Greece.

IFIEC Europe represents the interests of industrial energy users in Europe for whom energy is a significant component of production costs and a key for competitiveness in their activities in both Europe and throughout the world.

IFIEC Europe was founded on the belief that competitive energy supply, responsible use of energy and consumer choice and flexibility, are the necessary ground rules for competitive and sustainable industrial activity in Europe.

IFIEC Europe is member of IFIEC World, along with the associations in Brazil and the United States of America.

Bringing together the current members of ACCER, the key figures add up in 2021 to over 14,000 employees, more than 13 billion lei in turnover, almost 1 billion lei in taxes paid to the State Budget and about 1.1 billion lei in energy expenses.

ACCER was founded in June 2021 and its main purpose is to determine and centralize the involvement of energy-consuming companies, thus forming a common voice of the Romanian industry, by representing and assisting members in energy-related issues. At the moment, ACCER counts 12 members, whose total cumulative volume of annual electricity and natural gas consumption represents about 31% of the specific national non-domestic consumption.

By focusing the energy of the Romanian industry

on the active and joint involvement in the fair development of the energy market,

we contribute directly to the modeling of the impact of energy

on the competitiveness and safety of the Romanian industry.


Contact person: Theodor Livinschi, Vice-President

Contact data: +40 745 383 346

Publishing date: 25.07.2023

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